Video Tutorials

Do Video Games Help Your Brain? (Brain Rules for Aging Well by John Medina)

The Best Places in the World to Live the Longest (Brain Rules for Aging Well by John Medina)

Why Older People Are More Gullible (Brain Rules for Aging Well by John Medina)

Gratitude (Brain Rules for Aging Well by John Medina)

Got Insomnia? Try this Treatment (Brain Rules for Aging Well by John Medina)

How Much Sleep Do I Need? (Brain Rules for Aging Well by John Medina)

Is Parkinson’s a Dementia? (Brain Rules for Aging Well by John Medina)

Did Robin Williams have Alzheimer’s? (Brain Rules for Aging Well by John Medina)

Do I have Alzheimer’s? (Brain Rules for Aging Well by John Medina)

Brain Rules for Aging Well Introduction

Introduction to the Brain Rules books

Brain Rules for Baby - Sleep - John Medina

How does the brain work?

No screen time before age 2?

What are emotions?

What is empathy? Why is it important?

My dream preschool

What does parenting have to do with the brain?

What is neural plasticity?

What you can do to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease

Theory of Mind - John Medina, author of Brain Rules

How does memory work?

Brain Rules - The Performance Envelope

Why we should all take a nap in the afternoon

What are you most frequently asked about after a talk?

Do you recommend music lessons for children?

Is it true that musicians are better at detecting emotion?

John Medina - Brain Rules - Music and the Brain

What have researchers learned since Brain Rules was published?

Why Kids Lie

Exploration: We are powerful and natural explorers (Brain Rules by John Medina)

Vision: Vision trumps all other senses (Brain Rules by John Medina) Like Follow Share Vision: Vision trumps all other senses (Brain Rules by John Medina)

Gender: Male and female brains are different (Brain Rules by John Medina)

Sensory integration: Stimulate more of the senses (Brain Rules by John Medina)

Stress: Stressed brains don’t learn the same way. (Brain Rules by John Medina)

Memory: Repeat to remember (Brain Rules by John Medina)

05 Short Term Memory

Attention: We don’t pay attention to boring things (Brain Rules by John Medina)

03 Wiring

Survival: The human brain evolved, too (Brain Rules by John Medina)

Exercise - Brain Rules by John Medina

Watch Out - Your Kids Are Watching You More Than You Think

Under 2? No TV for you!


Where memories go

Sleep loss = Brain drain

Interview with Dr. Jeffrey Ojemann

Brain Rules in the Classroom

Interview with Dr. Ralph Pascualy


Tim Jenkins on Brain Rules




Sensory Integration








BR DVD Introduction

8,000 Neurons a Second

Why Kids Lie

12 Rules final youtube

Explain Your Rules

Kill Your TV

How to Speak Parentese

The Mature Father

Brain Rules for Baby - The Parent Quiz

Myth Buster - Brain Rules for Baby

The Parent Quiz

The Cookie Test


Breast-feeding is a brain booster

How to discipline your child

Deferred Imitation

Kids need rules

What’s the best way to handle temper tantrums?

Praise effort, not IQ

Welcome to Brain Rules

Introduction to Brain Rules for Baby

Amazon Brain Rules for Baby Final

John Medina Interview

15 Smokin Baby web version

Brain Rules for Baby - John Medina

Brain Rules DVD

John Medina, author of “Brain Rules”

Hang Up and Drive

Caveman Discovers Brain Rules

Brain Rule #1 - Exercise

Brain Rules Introduction